Everyone is in very good shape but the coming 2 weeks will require excellent time management, cooperation, and creativity.
What is important for the midterm is the following:
1) Site Analysis Book - Produce using Rhino, Illustrator, and Photoshop, and Compile in Indesign. 2 Bound copies will be handed out at Midterm.
2) Site Model - Scale 1/8"=1'-0". Be sure to design the model with cut out for models to rest below grade as all projects will include cellar spaces.
3) Project 1B - Organizational Strategies for Expanded Program. This is the development of information structures applied to the expanded program. Spreadsheets of full program will be required to do so (include descriptions and floor areas of each spaces with areas adding up to total permitted square footage)
For 1B you will present as per the assignment.
Note that developed plans, sections, and model will be required for one scheme only.
Second organizational strategy can be a diagrammatic plan and section.
4) Completed Precedent Analysis
Again, each of you has a firm grasp of the project and your work. Be confident and productive.
Be thoughtful in how the site conditions influence the organization of views, entry, program deployment, internal circulation, etc. Document all decisions, and incorporate the strategies into your plan diagrams.
1B should refine the user interface ideas of the research assemblage, and clarify how the web inspired navigation enhances the various user experiences.
Remember that the blends are important only insofar as they serve as a user interface - they shouldn't be gratuitous.
Keep up the excellent work, and do not put off 1B. Develop the diagrams and associated plans, sections, and models on a DAILY BASIS. Post diagrams, renderings, sketches, plans, and models.... Keep me up to date on your insights, progress, and breakthroughs.
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